How Chiropractic Care Can Help With Hip Bursitis
Not all joint pain is arthritis; many conditions can affect your joints. Bursae are tiny, fluid-filled sacs in your joints that provide cushioning and reduce friction as your ligaments, tendons, and bones move. When these little pockets of fluid become inflamed—often due to overuse—it hurts a lot! And any movement that uses that joint causes terrible pain. This condition is called bursitis.
Athletes or workers that engage in physically demanding tasks—lifting or carrying—are more likely to experience hip bursitis due to the strain on the lower part of their bodies. The good news is that bursitis is reversible! Let’s learn how chiropractic care can treat your symptoms, help you recover, and protect your hips from future occurrences—without surgery!
5 Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Hip Bursitis
Chiropractic care provides a holistic and gentle approach to joint pain. You can expect a thorough examination and a treatment plan that is crafted to suit your specific needs, lifestyle, and recovery. Here’s how chiropractic can help.
1. Realigns the Joint
The first goal of your chiropractor will be to correct any misalignments of your joints through manual manipulation. Even the smallest misalignment causes a domino effect—and could even be the cause of your bursitis. Realigning your joints protects them as it reduces friction which slows down wear and tear. Joint manipulation also treats your pain!
2. Strengthens the Muscles
In order to support the healthy alignment of your joints, your chiropractor will identify muscle weaknesses that could contribute to poor alignment and an increased risk of bursitis. Through specific stretches and strengthening exercises, your chiropractor will teach you how to strengthen your hips to prevent bursitis from recurring!
3. Restores Function
Compensating for the pain of bursitis can literally throw your body out of whack—and even cause undiagnosed lower back pain! Your chiropractor will use specific stretches and massage therapy to restore the ideal function of each of your joints—and the soft tissue around them. You can say goodbye to stiffness and expect the range of motion of your hips to improve as you go through the process. You can expect some homework!
4. Reduces Inflammation
Chiropractic care is effective at reducing inflammation around your joints and soft tissue—including your bursae. But bursitis also leads to stiff muscles in the affected area (or even the other side of your body as you compensate), and your chiropractor understands this. A combination of massage, ultrasound therapy, heat therapy, and manipulation around the joints increases circulation, reduces inflammation, and speeds up your body’s natural healing process. The result? Less pain, swelling, and increased mobility.
5. Encourage Lifestyle Changes
Your chiropractor will assess your unique situation, understand the cause of your bursitis—as well as the demands of your daily life—and suggest changes that support your recovery.
Additional weight adds to the strain on your joints, so in some cases, weight loss can help prevent further occurrences. Specific exercises and stretches help build strength and improve joint function—especially helpful for those who aren’t very active. For those who overdo it, like serious athletes or manual workers, you’ll learn how and when to rest and stretch your body so you can maintain healthy joints as you train, work, and grow older.
Book Your Appointment With the Evolve Team Today!
Bursitis is a simple condition to treat, but if you ignore it, it can damage your joint and put strain on other joints as your body compensates for the pain. If your hip pain hasn’t resolved naturally after a few days, it’s time for professional help! Contact Evolve Chiropractic, your local chiropractor in Woodstock, GA, and find a drug-free, gentle solution that targets bursitis and protects your body!